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The cornet has been around since the 1830s when valves were invented. The cornet features predominantly in a brass band where normally nine play together, however there are other opportunities to play the cornet such as in concert bands. Lots of students double up and also play the trumpet, or play trumpet parts in other groups such as jazz bands.

Learning to play the cornet

You can learn the cornet in individual lessons or in small groups. Group lessons can either be all on the same instrument or in a mixed brass session. You will learn how to hold the instrument, good technique, and how to control your breathing and your tongue.

  • Benefits of learning the cornet

    Learning the cornet can improve your memory and concentration. The strength and skill required for this instrument will help to develop coordination. You can learn a whole range of musical styles. Plus, playing brass instruments improves breathing technique and can give players lungs as efficient as athletes

  • Is it the right instrument for me?

    If you are looking for a versatile instrument and want to play with others then this could be the instrument for you. Playing a brass instrument will give you lots of ensemble opportunities and is extremely sociable. Brass players also get all the best bits in film music; they get the big tunes and all the glory; think Star Wars, Superman, Avengers, James Bond etc. Listen out for a brass instrument next time you are watching your favourite film!


You can start to learn the cornet in our low cost group lessons.

Find a cornet lesson

Lessons are available in schools or at music centres after school and at weekends.

Hire a cornet

There’s no need to invest in an instrument as a beginner – you can hire one from us to play at home.


Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent.

quote quote
Victor Hugo

Registering for lessons

Lessons can take place in most schools during the school day or in our music centres across Berkshire. You can choose from group or individual lessons for any instrument. Once you have registered, our team will be in touch with options for lesson times to suit you.

Register here