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Whether you are a beginner who can only play five notes, or a Grade 8 virtuoso, there is an ensemble for you. From rock bands and wind bands to swing bands and string groups, there is something to suit everyone. Playing in a group develops skills such as communication, coordination, perseverance and teamwork, and is highly recommended by music teachers to enhance learning. As the only music educator in Berkshire to offer ensembles, our membership to these unique groups is open to everyone.

Progression Route

  • Entry Level

    Can play 5 notes - Grade 1

  • Initial

    Grade 1 - Grade 3

  • Intermediate

    Grade 3 - Grade 5

  • Senior

    Grade 6 - Grade 8

  • County

    Grade 8+


Finding the right ensemble for you

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Wind, Brass & Percussion
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Ages 11-23
Entry level (5 notes – Gr 1)
Initial (Gr 1-3)
Intermediate (Gr 3-5)
Senior (Gr 6+)
Chamber Groups
All locations
All locations
Reading Music Centre @ River Academy
Bracknell Music Centre
Reading Music Centre
Wokingham Music Centre
Windsor Music Centre
West Berkshire Music Centre
  • Group
  • Ability / Age
  • Location
  • Day & Time
  • Group

    Windsor Let’s Play Band

    Ability / Age

    Entry level (5 notes – Gr 1)


    Windsor Music Centre

    Day & Time

    Saturday 9.00-9.45am

  • Group

    Windsor Saxophone Ensemble

    Ability / Age

    Senior (Gr 6+)


    Windsor Music Centre

    Day & Time

    Saturday 12:15 - 1:00pm

  • Group

    Reading Soundstage Reading Music Centre

    Ability / Age



    Reading Music Centre

    Day & Time

    Saturday 2.00-3.00pm

  • Group

    Berkshire Youth Wind Orchestra

    Ability / Age




    Day & Time

    Selected weekends

  • Group

    Soundabout Choir

    Ability / Age

    Ages 11-23



    Day & Time

    Tuesday 4.30pm - 5.30pm

  • Group

    Reading Out of the Attic Orchestra

    Ability / Age



    Reading Music Centre

    Day & Time

    Thursdays 7pm-8pm

  • Group

    Bracknell Flute Ensemble

    Ability / Age

    Chamber Groups


    Bracknell Music Centre

    Day & Time

    Thursdays 6.00pm-6.45pm

  • Group

    Windsor Let’s Play/Initial String Orchestra

    Ability / Age

    Initial (Gr 1-3)


    Windsor Music Centre

    Day & Time

    Wednesdays 5pm - 6pm

  • Group

    West Berkshire Initial String Orchestra

    Ability / Age

    Initial (Gr 1-3)


    West Berkshire Music Centre

    Day & Time

    Saturdays 9:00am-10:00am

  • Group

    Windsor Intermediate Wind Band

    Ability / Age

    Intermediate (Gr 3-5)


    Windsor Music Centre

    Day & Time

    Saturday 10.15am-11.45am

Frequently asked questions

Where are ensemble rehearsals held?

Rehearsals are held at our music centres across Berkshire, and sometimes in larger venues where this is necessary

What instruments can play in ensembles?

The vast majority of instruments are welcomed into our ensembles – inevitably some are more in demand than others though!

What level do I need to play at?

We offer ensembles for all levels – if you can play five notes or more, there should be an option for you!

How much do ensembles cost?

Our ensemble fees are kept low to enable access for the maximum number of students – our fees can be found here. If the fees are unaffordable, there may be options for financial support

Do I need to be a Berkshire Music Trust student to join an ensemble?

Not at all! Our ensembles are open to everyone – if you have lessons elsewhere, or even if you don’t have music lessons, you are welcome to join us

Do I have to audition?

Berkshire Youth Symphony Orchestra is our top level auditioned ensemble. Some of our other ensembles will require certain grade requirements to ensure a good fit, and auditions take place when moving up to our senior ensembles. No auditions or solo playing is required for our junior ensembles.

How often are ensemble rehearsals held?

Music Centre ensemble rehearsals are held weekly during term time. BYSO rehearsals tend to be longer and held at half terms, during holidays and on specific weekends

What music do the ensembles play?

A whole range! For our beginner ensembles, you will enjoy movie themes, pop/rock, classical, jazz, swing and lots more! We also offer more specialist ensembles for higher levels including rock bands, chamber orchestras, swing bands and more!

Can I try an ensemble out before committing?

Of course – we offer free taster sessions for all of our ensembles

Can I join more than one ensemble?

Yes absolutely – you are welcome to join as many as you wish (or have time for!)