Craft and Food Fair
Sat 12th Apr 2025
Reading Music Centre, 100 Cockney Hill Stoneham Court Reading RG30 4EZ
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
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4000Children to sing and learn instruments every week
300Schools across Berkshire to deliver music education
2021/2022 EXAMS
97%Student pass rate at Grade 8
Case study text. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Inclusive InstrumentsSat 12th Apr 2025
Reading Music Centre, 100 Cockney Hill Stoneham Court Reading RG30 4EZ
Mon 22nd Jan 2024
Berkshire Music Trust Head Office Stoneham Court, 100 Cockney Hill, Stoneham Court Reading RG30 4EZ
Monday to Friday: 9.00am – 5.00pm Saturday and Sunday: Closed
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Bracknell Music Centre, Ranelagh School, RG12 9DA
Reading Music Centre, Stoneham Court, RG30 4EZ
Reading Music Centre @ River Academy
West Berkshire Music Centre, Stoney Lane, Thatcham RG19 4LL
Windsor Music Centre, Dedworth Middle School, Windsor, SL4 5PE
Wokingham Music Centre, The Emmbrook School, Wokingham, RG41 1JP
We teach in schools across Berkshire and at our centres
Mini Maestros Family BeatsRead more on our current prices, offers and fee assistance
Trinity Drum Kit from 2020 Initial-Grade 2We are committed to making music lessons and groups as affordable as possible to the widest audience. We have a range of fee assistance options as we understand that support is sometimes necessary. Please contact us to discuss the options available.
The bursary itself contributes £60 per term towards the cost of music activities with Berkshire Music Trust (lessons/ensembles). £50 of the bursary comes from our Windsor and Maidenhead Fund and £10 is from Berkshire Music Trust. To qualify your child must not be in receipt of Pupil Premium and you must have a gross household monthly income of less than £3,900 per calendar month (or £46,800pa).
The bursary itself contributes £70 per term towards the cost of music activities with Berkshire Music Trust (lessons/ensembles). £60 of the bursary comes from the Greenham Trust and £10 is from Berkshire Music Trust. To qualify your child must not be in receipt of Pupil Premium and you must have a gross household monthly income of less than £3,900 per calendar month (or £46,800pa).
If your child is in receipt of Pupil Premium or Service Pupil Premium, you will be eligible for a 70% discount on lesson and activity fees. After applying for lessons, please ask your child’s school to confirm their status by contacting us.
If your child has an EHCP or an IEP, or would benefit from individual lessons due to additional needs, you could be eligible to receive an individual lesson at the group lesson rate. After applying, please contact our finance team with the relevant evidence of need.
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We believe in providing the young people of Berkshire inspirational musical opportunities, such as our Junior Music Festivals that bring together hundreds of KS2 children from across the area in a massed performance at a prestigious venue. We also bring live music to Berkshire schools.
From instrumental and vocal lessons, to choir and ensemble direction, we offer a wealth of opportunities to enhance your extra-curricular music provision. We can even offer musical support for school productions and musicians to accompany your in-house events.
From EYFS upwards, we can support your music curriculum in a way that works for you. We offer whole class instrumental lessons, curriculum plans, singing support, and workshops for teaching and support staff in schools. We also support schools to develop their School Music Development Plans.
A range of services are available for whole class settings across all key stages, designed specifically to enhance classroom music provision. From workshops and courses to digital resources from partners such as Charanga and Focus on Sound, we can help you to use technology to boost your music curriculum offer.
Our expert teachers can help give you the tools to develop music provision within your school. We offer an extensive variety of CPD sessions throughout the year. Our experts can also visit your school to deliver bespoke training for your team, if you would like to
find out more about this please contact your Berkshire Music Trust School Development Manager.
Over 120 expert teachers across 30 different instruments. All our teachers are highly qualified and have classroom experience
We offer specialist teaching across a wide range of styles and genres, giving children unique opportunities to perform in regional and national events. Our bespoke SEND and Pupil Premium offer is available with funding support
Covering multiple exam boards, we offer unrivalled progression in instrument tuition. Children can access local, county and national ensembles and choirs with our support. Our CPD offer and curriculum design empowers schools to deliver a strong music curriculum
Any surplus generated through our activities is reinvested in supporting schools. Our unique local and national partnerships provide wider opportunities for schools, backed up by support from the Arts Council and Department for Education
Our support for music education in schools goes beyond just delivery. Our team of experts are there to support every aspect of music in your school including referrals for music based therapeutic services, providing specialist curriculum advice and professional development for teachers.
Senior Music Festival 2023-24The Berkshire Young Musicians Council (previously the Berkshire Maestros Youth Advisory Board) was launched in September 2020 as a new platform to enable young people aged 13-21, to be involved in influencing strategic decisions and in driving change within their local music hub. Existing students, alumni, and those without formal music education, who are interested in taking a lead in the future of music in Berkshire are encouraged to express their interest here.
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Senior Leader – Curriculum and Early Years
Senior Leader – Learning and Teaching
Senior Leader - Partnerships, Progression and Development
Finance Controller
Question one
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin quis magna facilisis, sodales nibh sed, convallis enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. In scelerisque posuere tortor, tincidunt maximus velit. Aenean tempor enim ex. Aliquam semper purus sem, viverra aliquam metus vestibulum a
Question two
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin quis magna facilisis, sodales nibh sed, convallis enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. In scelerisque posuere tortor, tincidunt maximus velit. Aenean tempor enim ex. Aliquam semper purus sem, viverra aliquam metus vestibulum a
Question three
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin quis magna facilisis, sodales nibh sed, convallis enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. In scelerisque posuere tortor, tincidunt maximus velit. Aenean tempor enim ex. Aliquam semper purus sem, viverra aliquam metus vestibulum a
This is the text. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse pharetra mi tortor, ac mollis risus elementum in.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse pharetra mi tortor, ac mollis risus elementum in.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse pharetra mi tortor, ac mollis risus elementum in.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse pharetra mi tortor, ac mollis risus elementum in.